Located near Indianapolis International Airport

Facility Policies

Facility Policies


Updated: 04/01/2022

The following policies are currently in effect at Priority Boarding. The purpose of these policies is to assure a healthy and safe stay at Priority Boarding and Daycare by limiting potential for ectoparasites (fleas, ticks), infectious diseases, pain and suffering and managing any illness that ensues. These policies identify the relationship between you, the owner (and all pets under your registration), and the facility, your financial responsibility to Priority Boarding and other ancillary facilities that may be required if your pet becomes ill during his/her stay. 

Reservations: We prefer that your boarding reservations be made at PriorityBoarding.com. Using the online boarding reservation portal will allow you to completely inform us of your pet’s needs. It also informs you of our requirements and promotes a seamless boarding check-in. You can also use our mobile app or call us at 317.552.1000. Once you have requested your reservation a customer service representative will contact you to confirm the reservation and answer any questions that you might have. We encourage reservations in advance (1-6 months) due to high season and special holiday travel. If you are traveling through the Indianapolis International Airport, we require that you note your flight number, date and time of departure and return so that we can make your experience quick and easy.

Admittance Policy:

Your pet is required to be current on these vaccinations:

Dogs: Rabies, DA2PP, Bordetella, Canine Influenza ***,   Leptospirosis*

Cats: Rabies, FVRCP FELV**

*Recommended for all dogs in central Indiana. This disease isn’t transmitted directly from dog to dog.

**Feline Leukemia Virus is spread between cats that are in direct contact with other cats and we do not allow direct contact in our facility.

***Canine Influenza is highly transmissible and can cause severe illness and death. Some boarding facilities don’t require this level of protection but concentration of pets from various backgrounds make kennels a prime location for flu illness.  Dr. Buzzetti realizes that non-boarding pets don’t typically have this vaccine in their vaccination protocol but any pet that is planning on boarding should have up to date immunity prior to admittance to our facility.  This is recommendation by the AVMA.

Vaccination Services: We prefer that every pet is current with the required boarding vaccinations at time of entry. We also realize that sometimes they haven’t been updated and if you are traveling you may not have time to get vaccinations updated. In this circumstance, Priority Boarding has the service available, but not as a routine procedure. By signing this document, you approve of the vet staff vaccinating your pet to kennel specifications and you accept the financial responsibility for such vaccines.

Recommendations: Have your pet checked for intestinal parasites, ectoparasites (worms, fleas, ticks, mange) prior to boarding. If your pet has been ill, lost weight, gained excessive weight or had any other signs of illness it is best that you consult your family veterinarian so that your pet is healthy during boarding. Both dogs and cats need to be on a monthly or longer flea and heartworm medication. Please follow your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Check-in: Pets must be admitted to the facility within a 2-hour window of their boarding appointment. This will allow adequate staffing to make the drop-off and pick-up seamless. If your pet requires check-in or dismissal prior to 6 am or after 7 pm you will incur additional charges. Changes in your reservation are required not less than 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you cancel your pets’ reservation within 24 hours of boarding appointment, $50 of your deposit will be forfeited and the rest will be refunded.

Personal Belongings: We want your pet to feel at home. Please bring 1 or 2 toys and/or a blanket/towel that smells like home.  Also, bring food as directed below.

Allowed articles:

  • Toy, food, treats, medications.  See food requirements below.
  • Bed: with zip off cover
  • Cat bowls and toys
  • Collars or leashes


  • Toys that are small enough to be swallowed
  • Dog bowls
  • Blankets or toys that aren’t resilient to destruction
  • Brushes or combs     

Not allowed:

  • Clothing, bandanas
  • Commercial food bags
  • Chains or ropes
  • Toys that have pieces that break off
  • Small rawhides that can be swallowed whole      

It is our goal to keep your pet safe. If we find that your pet is breaking off parts of a toy or tearing apart a towel, blanket, or bed we will remove it and return it to you upon your return. Priority Boarding is not responsible for any items brought by the owner for boarding.

Medication While Boarding: We feel that it is vital to continue medications prescribed by your veterinarian. We can, at your request, administer medications as directed. Service fees apply for any injections or more than 2 oral or topically administrations per day.

Check-out: If you are returning via the airport, you will need to confirm your arrival with a text when you land. If you are not traveling by air, please text your planned dismissal time 1 hour prior to pick-up. This allows the staff to walk your pet, gather their belongings and review charges prior to your arrival. We look forward to a fast and easy dismissal so that you can get home quickly.

Food Policy: We feel that it is vital that your pet receive the same amount and type of food that he/she eats at home while boarding. Please bring individual meals in zip-lock bags labelled with date and time for feeding or cans with instructions. By abiding by this request, we will be better able to determine if your pet is eating well while boarding.  If you forget your pet’s food at home, we will provide a high-quality food while boarding.

Daily food cost start at $2.00/meal. If you fail to bring your pet’s regular food, your pet will be at risk to illness from an abrupt food change. Any food allergies must be noted in the medical alert area of this registration.

Grooming Policy: In the event that you admit your pet with matts, fleas, ticks, or a dirty coat we will groom him/her prior to allowing access to the boarding suites. Grooming and parasite treatment fees apply.

Illness Upon Entry: We will not accept a pet for boarding that is obviously ill or suffering in pain. Other problems that will not allow pet into the facility boarding:

  • Coughing
  • Severe lameness 
  • Bleeding
  • Vomiting/diarrhea
  • Advanced sign of age
  • Evidence of a large mass/tumor or other conditions of illness

If you have no ability to take your pet to your veterinarian prior to boarding, we do have a concierge fee for transporting your pet to a full- service veterinary facility at your expense. Also, we can professionally evaluate your pet clinically and make recommendations for further diagnostics and/or therapy. Owner agrees to pay all fees associated with this level of care.

Illness After Entry: If your pet becomes ill while boarding our staff will notify Dr. Buzzetti and he will assess the condition. You will be notified prior to any diagnostics or therapy being given. Service fees apply.

Emergency Care: In the event your pet becomes ill or is injured you agree to have our staff provide medical care and/or transport your pet to a facility of our choosing for appropriate medical/surgical care. We will attempt to contact you or your emergency contact backup.  You agree to reimburse Priority Boarding for all expenses incurred and service fees that apply. In the unlikely event of your pet’s demise, we will notify you immediately and take him/her to a facility for holding until you return.

Grounds for Dismissal: From time to time there may be a dog or cat that rejects being in the boarding environment. For this reason, we retain the ability to deny further boarding or daycare at the discretion of the facility owners and management.

Neutering Policy: New science has proven that it is better to allow a large breed dog to remain intact until 18 months of age for better bone development and to decrease a variety of orthopedic issues. With that said, we allow intact male dogs that are not aggressive and intact females to board only in specific Luxury or Sanctuary suites. There may be additional charges in either case.

Home Harmless Clause: \Owner\ is responsible for the actions/behaviors of their pets at all times while at the facility and hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Priority Boarding and Daycare and its employees, owners, and guests for all claims of injury, expense, costs, or damages caused by the action or conduct of all potentially involved in the care of \Pet name\ while at Priority Boarding and Daycare. In the event your pet becomes ill, injured, returns home with parasites, or passes, you agree to hold Priority Boarding harmless.


Limit of Liability: Priority Boarding and Daycare will endeavor to provide safe care for your pets. Owner understands that this is an annual contract, which pertains to all services, automatically renewed when services are again provided in the future. \Owner\ has been informed and understands that there are risks inherent in any pet boarding, daycare, grooming, and training, including interactions with other dogs and potential exposure to disease and parasites. \Owner\ hereby RELEASES Priority Boarding and its employees, owners, and guests for any liability related to the foregoing. Owner understands and agrees that the recommendation of any product or service is not a guarantee of Owner’s satisfaction with that product or service. Priority Boarding’s liability for a lost or injured pet shall not exceed $500 for injury or replacement of the pet up to $1,000.

Pet Damages Facility or Property: If your pet destroys any Priority Boarding equipment, items, or the building and its contents, \ Owner\ agrees to pay all damages. Priority Boarding will be permitted to recover reasonable attorney fees if a claim must be filed to enforce this agreement.

Pet Abandonment: Owner agrees that if \Pet name\ is not picked-up by the last day of the reservation additional charges and fees will apply. Owner agrees that if Owner fails to pick-up \Pet name\ for a period of 7 days, Priority Boarding may deem, \Pet name\, abandoned and rehome \Pet name\ as the management staff of Priority Boarding feels is in the best interest of the pet and in compliance with applicable local ordinances.

Authorized Discharge: The Owner is authorized, with identification, to pick-up their pet at the end of the boarding reservation and may deem other persons, with identification, to do the same. The personal information of alternate authorized individuals needs to be identified on your client registration and your signature below authorizes Priority Boarding to contact you and/or any of your emergency backup contacts. Owner releases Priority Boarding and its employees and owners from any liability for releasing \Pet name\ to any person(s) so authorized by \Owner\ on the client registration form.  In the event Owner requests additional names for this list they must text that authorization and a copy of the individual’s I.D. with photo to Priority Boarding prior to dismissal.